raising standards in Health and Safety
We are very proud to announce to our customers and colleagues that we have been awarded the SMAS Worksafe accreditation. Well done to everyone involved for all your hard work in making this happen, but how will it benefit us or change the way we work?
Preventing accidents at work
Working safely is of utmost importance to us at Boxer FM and our SMAS accreditation is one way that we can be sure to communicate to employees and clients that this is happening on a day to day basis. It means we have a system in place that allows us to carry out our jobs and limit the possibility of accidents for example. This can range from a trip or fall to something much more serious. Ensuring the safety of our staff and customers is paramount. Additionally, we are always testing our system and trying to improve it.
After a very lengthy assessment…we passed!
SMAS is endorsed by the the Health and Safety Executive and is in line with all current safety legislation. It compliments our ISO certifications (we already have ISO 9901, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) and helps us to work towards having the best health and safety management system possible. There is a lot of work involved in getting the SMAS Worksafe accreditation, which covers the following areas:
Being awarded SMAS shows we have thought about our environmental impact as a business. We are able to show current and potential clients that our chain of supply is managed in a way to reduce and limit our impact on the environment. Aspects such as waste, recycling and use of cleaning chemicals have to be considered to minimise how our operations negatively affect the environment. It also means that we comply with all applicable laws, regulations and other environmentally oriented requirements.
Modern Slavery and Anti-bribery
We recognise this is a global problem, which can exist in all economies and business sectors. We are committed to making sure our workforce is treated fairly and not exploited at any level. We are opposed to forced labour of any kind and are working on putting systems and controls in place to prevent any form of modern slavery within our business and our supply chains.
Quality Management
We have procedures in place that show we are committed to providing the best service and the highest quality to our customers. We value their business and they have confidence in us to do a great job.
Financial and Business
Financial information on our company helps to show the level of stability we have achieved as a business. We have a long term outlook to our contracts. When we undertake a job we see it through to the end and honour our commitment to both staff and clients. Our financial company records help to show the strength of our business and commitment to building good long-term relationships with everyone we work with.